Discipleship Quick References / Discipulado de referencia rapida
Discipleship Quick References for Christians (in English y Espanol*):
************* All Quick References in One File ***********
Discipleship Quick References (PDF, 36 pages, 18 sheets, 2021-Dec-9)
Discipleship Quick References Cover Sheet (PDF, 2 pages, 1 sheet)
Discipulado de referencia rapida (PDF, 36 páginas, 18 hojas, 2021-Dec-9)
Discipulado de referencia rapida portada (PDF, 1 página, 1 hoja)
*the first five Quick References are available in Russian at www.uchenichestvo.com
(It's recommended that the content be printed on yellow paper (studied show that the human brain can more easily encode and decode (learn and remember) information with dark ink on yellow paper. Print the cover sheet on a different color paper, such as blue, for contrast.)
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Discipleship Quick References for Christians (in English y Espanol):
************* Individual Quick References **************
Forgive Everyone - No Exceptions
Perdonar a todos - sin excepciones
When Jesus Preached: Jesus' Sermon on the Mount
Cuando Jesús predicó: El Sermón del Monte
"I Give You a New Command: Love One Another"
Te doy un nuevo comando: "Amaos unos a otros"
James: Jesus' Underappreciated Relative
Santiago: miembro de la familia menospreciado de Jesús
"God's Will Be Done": Understanding and Doing God's Will
“Se haga la voluntad de Dios”: entender y hacer la voluntad de Dios
"Be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy": God's Instructions for Living
“Sé santo, porque Yo, el Señor tu Dios, Soy santo”: las instrucciones de Dios para vivir